Guarino Healthcare Management, “GHM” provides healthcare consulting services in the following areas:
- Ambulatory Surgery Centers “ASC’s”
- Independent Physician Associations, “IPAs”
- Physician practices
- Hospitals and both start-up and turn-around operations
We bring fresh eyes to business and clinical operations, finances, policies, practices and systems, contracts, medical services, physician volume and recruitment to name a few. Success is built on a solid foundation and clear vision as to what is needed to maximize profits and provide the highest quality of care for patients.
GHM is known in the industry as the Turnaround Specialists when it comes to Surgery Center profitability. An estimated 50-60% of all ASC’s are underperforming or losing money, GHM has been successful in turning Surgical Centers into profit centers. The GHM model is proven to solve the most common problems plaguing ASC performance. In addition to ASC’s, GHM has been successful in creating IPA’s, Independent Physician Associations across the country with a concentrated focus on supporting and assisting physicians to remain independent.